Wednesday, January 28, 2009

Fortune cookies and more

During the last couple of days I have been very busy - sewing like a mad woman. Here you see some of the things I made.

This is a fabric fortune cookie. I saw this very cute idea on the German blog Frau Liebe  and shamelessly copied it. In her blog Frau Liebe explains step by step in pictures how to make these beauties - in case you want to copy this idea as well. I think they make a perfect little (Valentine's) gift. You can write a gift certificate, a lovely message or a nice quote on a piece of paper and pop it in the cooky. Done!

Here is my whole collection.

Then - tada - I made this bag. I will sell it on etsy (although my daughter Luzie wants me to keep it). I love this fabric. I bought it a while ago  at Hancock Fabrics. It's called "Pacesetter" and was designed by Laurie Smith, a designer at TLC's "Trading Spaces". Originally it was meant to go on the seat cushion of our kitchen bench. Then we moved before I got to make it and now there is no kitchen bench anymore. 

And since I bought a lot of fabric I also made this little dress. It's a size 12 ms. It would make a perfect spring dress for a baby girl taking her first steps on the front lawn.

Oh and I won!!! I am one of three lucky winners to win a set of postcards that Jill Bent gave away for her 1 year blog "36 Shea" anniversary. 

Thanks Jill, I love the postcards! 

Check out her blog and her etsy store. Her taste and style is right up my alley.  

Have a nice rest of the week.


Saturday, January 24, 2009

Check out "Chez Larsson"

I want to write to you about this blog I have been following for a while now. The author is Benita Larsson, a swedish visual merchandiser. 

She impresses and scares me at the same time. Every corner of her house seems to be organized and beautiful. Just perfect!


I wish I had the discipline and time to have at least half of her order in my house - in the visible space. I am not even starting with closets, drawers or functional rooms like a laundry or storage room.

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She has many blog entries about organizing but also decorating, crafts and much more. Just have yourself a nice cup of tea or coffee and enjoy!


Wednesday, January 21, 2009

At last!

Finally we have a new president. Obama completed Inauguration Day and his first day in the office. I was really touched yesterday and couldn't help but cry a little bit when he came down the stairs before his oath.
I kept on wondering what might go through Michelle's head. I would be so scared about my husband's safety and the safety of these adorable girls - I am. 
They are such a great couple. It was so cute how they danced at the "Neighborhood Ball" while Beyonce sang Etta James' great song "At Last". *sigh*
I downloaded the song from iTunes today and have been singing it all day today. Let's hope for change and hope for a long life of President Obama and his family.

Here in California change has come to the weather at last. Much needed rain is drumming on my roof while I sit here and write these lines. We had an early summer these past 10 days and went to the beach a couple of times while it lasted.

My girls walking along the beach South of Ano Nuevo State Park. The big thing lying on the beach behind them is a sleeping elephant seal.

Beach life in Princeton-by-the-Sea/ Half Moon Bay.


Friday, January 16, 2009


Jetzt habe ich es endlich geschafft, meine ganzen Fotos zu sortieren. Dabei fielen mir auch Bilder in die Hände, die ich bei Dreharbeiten für einen TV-Film im letzten Herbst gemacht habe. Ich erinnere mich sehr gern an diese Zeit zurück. Ein Team, wie man es gern bei jedem Dreh hätte. Regisseur, Produzent, Schauspieler, Kostümbildner, Ausstatter, Beleuchter, Maske, Komparsen...jeder wusste genau, wann was zu tun war und das gestaltete die Zeit soooo angenehm, dass ich echt traurig war, als am letzten Drehtag die letzte Klappe geschlagen wurde.
Der Film wird voraussichtlich im Herbst diesen Jahres auf Sat.1 zu sehen sein. Mehr Infos dazu gibt es, wenn's soweit ist.
Ein paar Eindrücke, wie es hinter den Kulissen zuging, habe ich hier für Euch:


Wednesday, January 14, 2009

Neue Website

Seit einigen Tagen ist meine frisch gestaltete Website online. Schaut doch mal vorbei:


there is a light

It is way too late for me to be up and typing another post for my blog. I just have to share something pretty with you before I lay down. I got this lantern today. Isn't it beautiful? 
I found it at TJ Maxx. It's huge - almost 30 inches/ 80 cm high. And the best thing: it wasn't even expensive. The big candle (26 inch) from Ikea fits perfectly into it.
With this I say "bye" and finally go to bed.  

Good night and sweet dreams.


Saturday, January 10, 2009

Knitting away

I recently started to knit again. I just finished a sweater for M. for her 2nd birthday.

Now I am working on a pair socks for my older daughter L. I let the girls pick the wool to make sure they are part of the process. They really like watching the piece "grow" from the needles. It made L. want to learn it and she is now knitting on her first scarf for her favorite stuffed animal. It so nice to sit next to each other on the couch knitting and chatting away.

I love that I can fill dull or unproductive moments like being the co-pilot on a car ride, waiting for my daughters or watching TV with a useful activity.


Friday, January 2, 2009

Happy New Year!

My first post in 2009. I hope you all arrived safely and happy in the new year. May all your wishes and hopes come true. And don't stress yourself out with too many new year's resolutions.
We had a big new year's eve party with 20 adults and 17 kids between 1 and 9 years - fun but messy! Now everything is back to normal in my house, Christmas decorations are gone and I am preparing for my daughter Mia's 2nd birthday tomorrow. I am making cupcakes with cream cheese frosting. 

Some people, no matter how old they get, never lose their beauty — they merely move it from their faces into their hearts.
— Martin Buxbaum


Thursday, January 1, 2009

2009 !

Neues Jahr - neues Glück!
Ich wünsche Euch allen da draußen vor den Bildschirmen und Schminkspiegeln ein gutes, neues Jahr! Taucht Eure Pinsel tief ein in die Farbpaletten und macht die düsteren Prognosen wenigstens auf diese Weise ein bisschen farbenfroher. Geht mit offenen Augen durch die Welt und lasst Euch inspirieren von dem, was sie Euch zeigt.
Auf dass es ein gutes Jahr werde... ein buntes Jahr... kreativ und ideenreich... mit vielen neuen Beiträgen aus der Beautywelt.
